First off, I'm never going to pay for an IDE. It goes against my nature of being resourceful and cheap. Here is what I've found in the Open Source space. I am not talking about pure Java Enterprise development. (For that you should standardize on one of the big 3: eclipse/netbeans/intelliJ). This is for the person who enjoys playing in Ruby, Groovy, PHP, or your language of the day. On a Mac, I'm told the favorite is TextMate. But what should we use on Windows....???
1. Komodo Edit - very lightweight (50MB RAM). Ctrl+J for code completion. Add-ons are great and done like Firefox add-ons. No Groovy.
2. Aptana Studio - awesome Git integration. it's eclipse with better layout and color scheme. but it's a bit bulky (150MB RAM). No Groovy.
Just a Text Editor with Syntax Highlighting:
RubyMine - cool, but only 30-day trial is free.
SciTE Scintilla Based Text Editor - just a text editor. Notepad++ is better.
I recently downloaded Netbeans 7.1 and noticed it gave me options to also download bundles that supported C/C++, PHP and Groovy: I have heard that Netbeans also had Ruby support so after your post, I dug around the Netbeans site a bit and curiously enough I found a fine print saying: "NOTE: As of NetBeans IDE 7.0, support for Ruby and Ruby on Rails is no longer available in the standard NetBeans IDE build."
ReplyDeleteOn a Mac TextWrangler is also pretty decent alternative to TextMate. It does not have groovy support, good support for ruby, javascript, sql etc. TextMate is much better though.