Wednesday, June 22, 2011

IDEs for the Polyglot Programmer on Windows

First off, I'm never going to pay for an IDE. It goes against my nature of being resourceful and cheap. Here is what I've found in the Open Source space. I am not talking about pure Java Enterprise development. (For that you should standardize on one of the big 3: eclipse/netbeans/intelliJ). This is for the person who enjoys playing in Ruby, Groovy, PHP, or your language of the day. On a Mac, I'm told the favorite is TextMate. But what should we use on Windows....???

1. Komodo Edit - very lightweight (50MB RAM). Ctrl+J for code completion. Add-ons are great and done like Firefox add-ons. No Groovy.
2. Aptana Studio - awesome Git integration. it's eclipse with better layout and color scheme. but it's a bit bulky (150MB RAM). No Groovy.

Just a Text Editor with Syntax Highlighting:

RubyMine - cool, but only 30-day trial is free.
SciTE Scintilla Based Text Editor - just a text editor. Notepad++ is better.


  1. I recently downloaded Netbeans 7.1 and noticed it gave me options to also download bundles that supported C/C++, PHP and Groovy: I have heard that Netbeans also had Ruby support so after your post, I dug around the Netbeans site a bit and curiously enough I found a fine print saying: "NOTE: As of NetBeans IDE 7.0, support for Ruby and Ruby on Rails is no longer available in the standard NetBeans IDE build."

  2. On a Mac TextWrangler is also pretty decent alternative to TextMate. It does not have groovy support, good support for ruby, javascript, sql etc. TextMate is much better though.
