Monday, August 24, 2015

Jenkins as a Hadoop Job Scheduler

Jenkins is a well-known continuous integration server - checking out source code, running unit tests, yada yada yada.  However, because of its simplicity, I've been able to leverage it for a variety of use cases: lately, as a Hadoop Job Scheduler. The expert panel pick was Oozie.  But whenever I asked those "experts" for their use cases for Oozie, they'd tell me, "Oh, I've never actually...
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Monday, June 15, 2015

Dependency Injection on Hadoop (without Guice)

Does your Java map-reduce code look like a bunch of dominoes strung together, in which you can't play one piece until you have the other 2 chained together to get to that point? There is so much cruft - so much bootstrapping code - in the Mapper and Reducer setup methods. When it comes to Hadoop, we seemed to have thrown away what we learned from other software projects. If you don't believe me,...
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Monday, March 18, 2013

Unit of Work Pattern Proved Useful in the View Layer

Today, I'm going to talk about the Unit of Work pattern and how it can be useful in a presentation tier.  For those of you familiar with this pattern, it was intended for aggregating an object and later committing to a database. The book definition for Unit of Work is: Maintains a list of objects affected by a business transaction and coordinates the writing out of changes... I discovered that at least part of this - Maintains a list ... and coordinates the writing out...
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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

TID: Test-If-Development (A more pragmatic TDD)

The moment you need to introduce some if-logic into a method, you jump over to write the test, but not before.  This approach argues it is unnecessary overhead to write the test before you create the method because the method could be absent of any conditions, in the case it is comprised of calls to other methods. Example - not needing a test void populateContactInfo() { populateName(); populateAddress(); populatePhone(); } Example - needs at least 2 tests because...
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